No-One Gives A Fuck About My Nightmares

But it's nothing you should worry yourself about... I've always worried. Everyone worries. These past six months haven't been fun for me and probably not for anyone associated with me. Mentally I am shot to pieces. Physically I am not too crash hot either & there are warning signs everywhere that I need to make big changes to my lifestyle. I just don't know if I can make them. You know something? I'm a simple guy and I don't need much. I have a good life, in the greater scheme of things anyway. Nice Wife, Good Kids, Decent Job, fantastic trainers on ma feet, enough money to make it to the end of (most) the month. If you met me, I think you'd probably think I'm alright and a nice enough guy. Ultimately I am happy with me lot in life. So why am I not happy? I'm trying to teach myself that a good life and good people around you doesn't mean you won't feel bad sometimes. Basic and obvious but it...