The Rush. Before the Crash?

 Something Extraordinary Has Happened

That's me. Looking happy for once

I am suspicious. Very sceptical. Something that I haven't really done in years is happening and I don't mind saying to you that I don't trust it one little bit. 

I have opened up to people. 

Ok, not in person and not, like, speaking. Still, I have opened up and shared feelings and thoughts, through this blog. It's a start isn't it and something to grow from? Well - let's not get carried away. The only growth I have actually been doing is in the beer belly department. What I did, was I shared my blog on social media and through my works social channels too. It's been something of a relief to do, even though I haven't had a lot of responses or feedback. It's out there and while people could judge, I am happy to have done it and I would be over the moon if someone said it helped in some small way. 

So, why be suspicious?

This feeling wont last and I will come crashing back down to earth with the largest thud. It's the cycle of life. 


Could I keep it going? Start going for walks. Maybe a round of golf. Read a book? I think I can maybe remain in this contented frame of mind and just be that... content.  How do you maintain contentedness (is that a word?), or happiness in times like these? Is it really just about being open and get some fresh air?

Well, as I have said before, I know what to focus on and what needs done. So...

Watch this space. 


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