I Don't Believe Myself. Yet

I Tried. I Did. This WAS gonna be Today's post.

Before this can be true... more work needs to be done. Getting out and about is becoming a bigger hurdle every day. So I need to address it. And I will. I promise. 

I actually did go for the walk in fairness. 

Pressing the Reset Button

You may be reading this having recently subscribed, or maybe by following on social media. Either way I am delighted that some people have taken the time to read my recent blog posts. 

I do have to say and this is something I will often say, I speak a lot of absolute rubbish at times. Sometimes though there will be the odd nugget. So let's see what today brings eh?

I have been making the point about how my anxiety and stress levels are reliant on me working on myself. They don't get to be lesser, or more manageable, by simply complaining all the time, which I am prone to do.  So today is a new day and around this point you might expect a grand declaration of lifestyle changes and plans. Previously, that is what I would absolutely have done, making promises and setting goals that I will fall away from or just not get close to achieving. 

So... what am I getting at?

On the right, in sunny times. need to do more of this    

Well.  I started with 'March is going to be all kinds of discipline' then I realised I said that about February too. So, today I am doing one thing that I want to continue. 

Simply go for a walk. That's it. 

I've continued with the reaching out, as you will know if you saw the last post on LinkedIn. Pushing my blog out to a wider audience was pretty daunting until I did it and nothing bad happened. So I will continue to share and I will continue to try being open with others. I also reached out to a stranger to offer a message of support. Which although a very small gesture, felt nice and I plan to keep an eye out for her and check how she goes. Sometimes it's good to practice what you preach.     


  1. Little acts can give the most enormous great feeling. They can make you feel great about yourself the whole day through. Well done for reaching out to her.

    1. Ah, thank you Kel el. It's something I should do more of.


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